The Solemn Connection
(c) by David Lynn
You may be aware of the bold proclamation that the Sheriff is the Chief Law Enforcement Officer, or CLEO, in each County. And, within his jurisdiction, the Sheriff has more power and authority than the Governor, the Supreme Court, the Congress and the President of the united States.
You may be intrigued by the way that sounds, but you may not be sure how that could be true. The best way to examine the validity of these statements is to look at the historical evidence regarding the establishment of the Sheriff.
When our founders were still citizens of England, they were, of course, raised, taught and governed under the British system of control. Under that structure, they were subjects of the Royal Crown. The king wielded supreme, sovereign authority over the land and the people. The kingdom was divided into Shires, what we call Counties, and the king designated a hand-picked servant called the Reeve to function as his peace keeper and law enforcement official within each Shire. This person was known as the Shire-Reeve.
When our founding fathers came to the new world and set out to establish a new system of government based on liberty and individual rights, they purposefully implemented impenetrable and effective safeguards and barriers that would prohibit the rise of the same tyrannical government oppression that they experienced in England. In doing so, they recognized the value of maintaining that high sovereign authority at the local level.
Therefore, in their new government system of the united States of America, the citizenry replaced the king as the supreme, sovereign authority in the land, under the Creator. And, as such, our founders proclaimed this, in no uncertain terms, throughout our federal and State Constitutions. The role of the Shire-Reeve, who is now known as the Sheriff, was maintained as the chief peace keeper and law enforcement official within each County. Today, it is “We The People” who designate a hand-picked servant to serve as our CLEO.
Furthermore, once elected, the Sheriff takes an oath of office to preserve and defend the Constitutions. This oath is what seals the solemn connection between “We The People” and the Sheriff, and establishes the impenetrable safeguard and barrier against unlawful government tyranny and oppression. Educate yourself and your Sheriff regarding the authority and obligations of this high office.
It is important to emphasize that our Constitutions are not a set of restrictions and laws that apply to the people. Rather, they are limitations and guidelines that the people have placed on our government. It is helpful to think of them as the Constitutions “for” the State and federal governments, rather than “of” them. When a law or statute imposed on the citizenry does not pass constitutional muster, the Sheriff has the power and the responsibility to deem it null and void and proclaim that it shall be of no affect upon the citizens within his jurisdiction. This is known as nullification.
America is in the midst of a final great spiritual, political and cultural war to determine her future. The very pillars of her fundamental nature are being eroded and replaced. The population has been deceived into thinking the government is the master rather than the servant. It is incumbent upon us all to maintain the sanctity and stability of this great nation.
When your Sheriff carries out his duties and upholds his solemn oath, and “we the people” unite to educate, support and encourage the dedicated members of the Sheriff’s office, then together, at our County level, we shall preserve and protect our national heritage and secure our precious rights and freedom, now and for future generations.
The Underlying Root of Progressives
(c) by David Lynn
The Messiah was involved in a pivotal election during the final days of His life as a man. The Pharisees and the citizens of Jerusalem were asked to choose between Him and Barabbas. Barabbas won that election in a landslide. Why did the electorate of that day irrationally choose Barabbas, a murderer who was a known menace and a threat to society? Why did they violently reject Yehoshua, an innocent man who was clearly described in their own Scriptures as the Chosen One who was their Messiah and their King? Why were they so blind and filled with hate that they would make choices that were against their own best interests? The answer applies directly to the political and cultural meltdown we face today.
In Matthew 16:11, Yehoshua tells us to be on guard against the yeast of the Pharisees. That yeast is an underlying spirit that leads people to covet power and control, to lie and deceive, to be hypocrites, while blindly following paths that lead to their own destruction. Tragically for America, the yeast (spirit) of the Pharisees has found a welcome host in the extreme “wrong wing” that has taken over our government. What we are witnessing from today’s progressive leaders is vividly described in Isaiah 59.
In Revelations 2:6, Yehoshua tells us that He hates the ways of the Nicolaitans. Their ways are produced by the same underlying spirit that causes people to consider themselves to be the hierarchy of a ruling class who should rightfully rule over the rest of the people. They also consider themselves justified in leading lives of unrestrained indulgence and decadence. These ways have also found a home in today’s progressive movement.
Progressives may be prominent “church” members. They may be a family member or a good friend. They may be the most wonderful person you know. Nevertheless, if they are an elected government official who refuses to denounce progressive policies and ideologies, they should not be elected because they remain blind to the source of their underlying wickedness.
If any politician refuses to aggressively expose and rectify the corruption, treason and criminal behavior that is rampant at all levels of our government, he should be voted out of office. By definition, progressivism is antithetical to the Constitutions of the various States and the united States. The Constitution is “the supreme law of the land” and can never be overshadowed by this left-wing philosophy. It is mandated by law that an elected official must swear a solemn oath to uphold, protect and defend the Constitution to legitimately hold that office.
Therefore, when a progressive politician propagates or supports progressive policies or programs while in office, he is in direct violation of his solemn oath of office to obey the law. Since a violation of the law is known as a crime and a violator of the law is known as a criminal, if any progressive, socialist, communist, fascist politician actively promotes his ideology while in office, he should be considered a criminal and a traitor to our country. It is literally impossible for the Constitution and an elected progressive to coexist.
Patriotic believers must carefully and prayerfully scrutinize and support representatives exemplifying honesty, integrity, righteousness, servitude, and humility. We need to support representatives who love America and truth more than party or self. We must support representatives who will uphold and defend the letter and tenor of America’s founding documents with the same reverence and fervor that Yehoshua demonstrated when He boldly declared, “It is written.”
Yehoshua said a prayer for the Pharisees and asked that they be forgiven “for they know not what they do.” We who love Yehoshua, and we who love America, are to pray for our nation’s leaders. We are to love and forgive our enemies. But never again are we to elect a member or an ally of the progressive movement, regardless of experience, charisma, eloquence or party affiliation. It is folly. The day is approaching when we shall be held accountable for our actions. The end draws near and the light grows dim. Everyone shall give an account.
Income Tax
(c) by David Lynn
American citizens and permanent resident aliens living and working within the States of the union are not subject to the filing of IRS Form and are not liable for the payment of a tax on their income. If this surprises you, you are not alone. You are among the majority of Americans who have been misled, misinformed and deceived.
For decades, the Internal Revenue Service has oppressed the American people through fear, intimidation and deception; the major weapons of Satan and his minions. Americans have been led to believe they owe a tax on their earnings, that it is their patriotic duty to pay it and there is no alternative. Nothing could be further from the truth. It is folly.
“Render to Caesar the things that are Caesar’s, and to Yehovah the things that are Yehovah’s.” (Mark 12:17)
“Render, therefore, to all their due; taxes to whom taxes are due.” (Romans 13:7)
The Scriptures do not instruct us to render to Caesar that which is not Caesar’s. The Scriptures do not say we must render to Caesar whatever Caesar unlawfully decides to take. Everything comes from Yehovah and is granted to us as good stewards. There are legitimate, lawful taxes and we should, as respectful citizens, pay those taxes to whom taxes are due. However, the IRS is not of Caesar, our government, and it is most definitely not of Yehovah. To the IRS, therefore, “We The People” are called to render nothing.
The U.S. Constitution gives Congress, not the IRS, the power to lay and collect taxes to pay the debts of the government and to provide for the common defense and general welfare of the united States, (Article 1, Section 8). Congress is only permitted to levy two types of taxes:
1. Direct taxes, which are subject to the rule of
apportionment among the States of the union, and
2. Indirect taxes, which are imposts, duties and excises,
subject to the rule of uniformity.
Congress has the ability to levy a direct tax in times of war or other unforeseen emergencies. To so do, it must pass a law stating the specific purpose for the tax, the exact amount of the tax and the precise time period the tax will be in effect. The levy must then be divided, or apportioned, among the States according to population. The indirect tax is divided into three distinct taxes: imposts, duties, and excises. Imposts and duties are taxes levied by the federal government on all items imported into the country from abroad and are paid at the ports of entry. That only leaves them with excise taxes.
“Excises are taxes laid upon the manufacture, sale or consumption of commodities within the country, upon licenses to pursue certain occupations and upon corporate privileges.” (Flint v. Stone Tracy Co., 220 US 107 1911)
The U.S. Constitution does not allow the federal government to use either of these classifications to tax citizens or permanent resident aliens of the united States of America directly. Congress passed an Act in 1894 to impose a tax on the incomes of citizens and resident aliens of the united States. The constitutionality of the Act was challenged in 1895 and the Supreme Court declared the law to be unconstitutional because it was a direct tax that was not apportioned, as the Constitution requires. (see Pollock v. Farmer’s Loan & Trust Co., 157 US 429 1895)
In 1909, then Secretary of State Philander Knox illegally oversaw the “enactment” of the 16th Amendment to the Constitution, known as “The Income Tax Amendment”, under very suspicious and nefarious circumstances. The term enactment is used because the 16th Amendment was never ratified lawfully. Knox declared it ratified, even though the entire process was criminally corrupted. The international bankers plotted to establish this tax, in conjunction with their tax collecting gestapo (the IRS), for their own private gain. Their pawns serving in our government bowed to their demands and made it happen. This could be called the crime of the century.
Some officials within the IRS, along with professors, teachers, politicians and some judges say that the 16th Amendment changed the united States Constitution to allow a direct tax on an individual’s income without apportionment. However, the U.S. Supreme Court said, in 1916, that the “so called” 16th Amendment did not change the U.S. Constitution due to the fact that Article 1, Section 2, Clause 3 and Article 1, Section 9, Clause 4 were not repealed or altered. The U.S. Constitution cannot conflict with itself. The Court also stated that the 16th Amendment merely prevents the income duty from being taken out of the category of indirect taxation. (Brushaber v. Union Pacific R.R. Co., 240) It is important to clarify that the lawful definition of income is corporate profits, not individual earnings.
As established in the U.S. Constitution, the federal government cannot directly tax a citizen living within one of the sovereign States of the union. Citizens possess rights and these rights cannot be converted into privileges by government. The only individuals who would not have these rights and would therefore be liable to tax regulations by the government are nonresident aliens doing business and working within the united States or receiving domestic source profits from investments, and united States citizens working in a foreign country and taxable under treaties between the two governments.
The Internal Revenue Manual, Chapter 1100 - Organization and Staffing, Section 1132.75 states, “The Criminal Investigation Division enforces the criminal statutes applicable to income, estate, gift, employment, and excise tax laws involving united States citizens residing in foreign countries and nonresident aliens subject to federal income tax filing requirements…”
According to the Internal Revenue Code, Section 7701(a)(16), the withholding of money for income tax purposes is only authorized for sections 1441, 1442, 1443 and 1461. Section 1461 is where you get drawn into the folly of the income tax deception. You have been duped into thinking that you must give your employer a Social Security Number and complete a W4 Form as a prerequisite for employment. A close inspection of the Internal Revenue Code and the regulations pertaining to the provision of a Social Security Number will reveal that there is no law requiring an individual to provide a SSN or fill out Form W. The most an employer is required to do is request a Social Security Number and a Form W.
The Internal Revenue Code states, “Any person required, under the authority of this title, to make a return, statement or other document with respect to another person shall request from such other person, and shall include in any return, statement, or other document, such an identifying number as may be prescribed for securing proper identification of such other person.” (26 U.S.C. 6109a3)
According to the interpretation of this code, “If he does not know the taxpayer identifying number of the other person, he shall request such a number of the other person. A request should state that the identifying number is required to be furnished under authority of law. When the person filing the return, statement, or other document does not know the number of the other person and has complied with the request provision of this paragraph, he shall sign an affidavit on the transmittal document forwarding such returns, statements, or other documents to the Internal Revenue Service so stating. If a document must be filed and the employer has been unable to obtain the number, but has made the request, then the employer needs only to include an affidavit stating that the request was made.” (26 CFR 301.6109-1c)
The Internal Revenue Code also states, “In the case of a failure by any person to comply with a specified information reporting requirement on or before the time prescribed therefore, such person shall pay a penalty of $50 for each failure.” (26 U.S.C. 6723)
However, the Internal Revenue Code provides for a waiver of any penalties assessed under the Code upon a showing of reasonable cause.
“No penalty shall be imposed under this part with respect to any failure if it is shown that such failure is due to reasonable cause and not to willful neglect.” (26 U.S.C. 6724a)
The waiver is how they subjugate the deception that compliance is compulsory rather than voluntary. Since the Internal Revenue Code provides a waiver of all penalties for failure to obtain a Social Security Number, it is not mandatory that the employer obtain such a number or supply such a number to the Internal Revenue Service. The fact that an individual will not sign a tax form or supply a number after the employer has made the request, eliminates willful neglect on the part of the employer. You do not have to sign a Form W and you do not have to give your SSN to your employer. It is not obligatory to do these things in order to live and work in the united States if you are a citizen.
“A person does not need a Social Security Number to live and work in the united States and does not need a number just for the sake of having one.” (Social Security Administration, Baltimore, Maryland)
The official SSA website,, gives a list of agencies that require the Social Security Number and specifically states, “If a business or other enterprise asks you for your SSN, you can refuse to give it.” (Social Security Administration)
On the official SSA website, it mentions laws, but they are not laws, just regulations. They are technically just policies. To be accurate, all they can do is suggest that these are the rules. There are no quotations from the statutory code. The terms employer and business are on their list of agencies that require the number, but they do not quote any statutory code. Most businesses will be reluctant to accept a new employee without a Social Security Number or a signed Form W. However, it is illegal for a business to deny you service or refuse to hire you because you do not disclose your number or sign an IRS Form. It is a felony to compel the disclosure of a Social Security Number.
“In general, whoever discloses, uses, or compels the disclosure of the Social Security Number of any person in violation of the laws of the united States shall be guilty of a felony and upon conviction thereof shall be fined under Title 18 or imprisoned for not more than five years, or both.” (USC Title 42, Chapter 7, Subchapter II, SS 408a8)
You give your number and sign the forms out of fear, intimidation, desperation or ignorance. Either way, you have just volunteered to have taxes withheld (stolen) from your paycheck and designated your employer as the withholding agent for the IRS. Had you not been deceived and not complied, your employer would have no authority to take money out of your paycheck and hold it for the criminals at the IRS and the Federal Reserve. Notice I did not say the government. The IRS and the Federal Reserve are not part of the government and none of your individual income taxes go to Uncle Sam.
What is an alternative to withholding? IRS Regulation 1.1441-5 is explained in Publication 515, Page 2, that “If an individual gives him [the domestic employer or withholding agent] a written statement, in duplicate, stating that he or she is a citizen or resident of the united States, and he does not know otherwise, he may accept this statement and is relieved from the duty of withholding the tax.”
To be perfectly clear, the only way a united States citizen or permanent resident alien, living and working within a State of the union can have taxes deducted from his/her paycheck is by voluntarily filing an application Form SS-5 to obtain a Social Security Number; then by entering that number on an IRS Form W and signing it to permit withholding of taxes. Form W4 is known as the “Employee’s Withholding Allowance Certificate.” This is why the IRS pressures parents to apply for a Social Security Number for their children, and employers to obtain the voluntary completion of Form W4 immediately from all those being hired. However, no federal law or regulation requires workers to have a Social Security Number or sign a withholding form to qualify for a job.
Internal Revenue Code Section 6654(e)(2)(c) states, “…no tax liability…if…the individual was a citizen or resident of the united States throughout the preceding taxable year.”
Our founding documents refer to our rights as being “unalienable”. But there is no such word as un-alien-able. It is folly. The applicable word is, and always has been, un-a-lien-able, meaning no lien, fee, tariff or tax may ever be placed upon a right. Our founding fathers intended the federal government to operate within its lawful limitations spelled out in Article I, Section 8, and the Tenth Amendment of the Constitution. In doing so, the government was required to function solely by the revenue collected from indirect taxes. In emergencies, they could raise additional revenue from a very limited direct tax.
The federal government has absolutely no authority to do over ninety percent of what it does. It has essentially evolved into an organized crime syndicate. If the people fail to indict and convict these traitors, then the nation owes Benedict Arnold, Aldrich Ames and Robert Hanssen an engraved apology.
What America desperately needs is a return to her core, fundamental principles and values. She must expose and eradicate the Federal Reserve, its fiat currency and the IRS. She must reestablish her legitimate congressional control over U.S. monetary policy and re-institute the gold standard. She needs a well-informed, resolute, patriotic population from which to cultivate and elect ethical, constitutional, accountable representatives.
How long would you play a game without knowing the rules? And after suffering defeat, time after time, year after year, how would you feel if you discovered that the opposition had rigged the game from the beginning and was laughing all the way to the bank at your expense? That is precisely what is happening with the income tax deception.
Would you finally decide to learn the rules and change your strategy? Would you share the truth with your friends and loved ones who are also playing the game without a clue? Truth really does set you free if you have the courage to act on it. But freedom is not free. It costs everything you hold dear. It requires constant protection from a passionate, vigilant citizenry. What shall you be, if not free?
Past is Prologue
(c) by David Lynn
In these times of civil war, with the nation languishing in the throngs of turmoil, comfort and strength can be bolstered by steadfast truth and timeless wisdom.
"We the people are the rightful masters of both Congress and the Courts, not to overthrow the Constitution but to overthrow the men who pervert the Constitution." Abraham Lincoln
Supreme Traitors
(c) by David Lynn
The US Supreme Court recently heard a case brought against the State of New York and its Governor, Andrew Cuomo. The lawsuit maintained the Governor’s orders to restrict religious services was a violation of the 1st Amendment of the US Constitution. The Court returned a 5-4 decision against New York declaring the restrictions were, in fact, unconstitutional.
Anyone familiar with the Constitution, the duties of the Supreme Court and their solemn Oath of Office would regard this case as a “no-brainer” warranting a unanimous vote-down of the Governor’s order. The 1st Amendment is not confusing. It states, “Congress [government] shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof…”
Four of the Supreme Court Justices, Stephen Breyer, Sonia Sotomayor, Elena Kagan and John Roberts (Chief Justice) agreed with the NY restrictions, violated their Oath, and in doing so, committed treason against the United States once again. The Oath of Office specifically stipulates, "protect and defend the Constitution against all enemies, foreign and domestic."
Keep these names in mind when the traitor hammer falls, and all the anti-American criminal and political puppets receive their just desserts. The evidence against them continues to mount.
Stay strong. Be patient. Justice will be served.
How to Defeat a Ruthless Enemy
(c) by David Lynn
Ruth Bader Ginsburg has passed. She accomplished many notable things in her younger years. But during her two and a half decades as a Supreme Court Justice, she established herself as a radical leftwing activist. She was incapable of honoring her solemn Oath of Office to preserve and protect the Constitution, which was her primary responsibility. Her name will be immortalized on the long, disgraceful roster of anti-American liberal Democrats.
She will undoubtedly be glorified and deified with the same lavish hero’s status bestowed upon previous deep state operatives like George Bush 41 and John McCain and Ted Kennedy. This will be difficult to endure for those of us who are informed patriots. As for the rest, they will neither understand the outrageous pretense of this display nor will they care. Perhaps it is time to enlighten the mindless among us.
Ginsburg’s death presents our Republic with a golden opportunity. President Trump should name one of the dirtiest, slimiest criminals known to AG Barr as his next choice for the Supreme Court. Imagine the ramifications of the President nominating Hillary or Obama. Their arrogant thirst for prominence and power would likely cause them to view this as an occasion to maintain the progressive seat on the Court. The snare would be set and the bait taken.
This nominee would then be forced to appear before the Republican Senate, under oath, on worldwide media, to be interrogated by the confirmation committee. The tenacious patriots on this committee would have a field day exposing every dark, disgusting, treasonous shred of evidence involving them, and everyone connected to them, in the deepest, foulest recesses of their sordid evil past. Every scheme and all the names could be brought to light. The committee could subpoena the entire intertwined rat’s nest of government and corporate criminals.
The evidence against them would be overwhelming and stunning to the nation. And when they collectively lie under oath, which they would have to do, the nominee and all the witnesses could be arrested for perjury which would produce more high-profile trials and reveal more damning evidence. The Democrat Party and their global Marxist puppet masters would crumble like the Nazis at the Nuremburg trials of 1946.
While the demise of Justice Ginsburg is a tragedy to her family and friends, it is a gift to America and the civilized world fervently fighting for freedom and justice and security. These are historic times which require bold responses to opportune moments. The dominos are arranged and ready to be toppled. A supreme domino has fallen. It’s time to put this chain reaction in motion and bring them all down.
The 14th for November 2020
(c) by David Lynn
The puzzle pieces are coming together quite nicely. The Constitution provides the power of the 14th Amendment. President Trump understands the prerogatives of the Insurrection Act of 1807 which enables him to use the military to quell seditious anarchy. President Trump is the Commander-in-Chief of the United States military. Antifa, BLM, RAM, the Democrat Party and their global Marxist puppet masters are actively engaged in violent rebellion and insurrection against the United States. Democrat Governors, Mayors, City Councils, school boards, teachers’ unions, news media and social media tech companies are knowingly complicit in the insurrection efforts. Their plan is to destroy America and take control of the world. The evidence is irrefutable.
The 14th Amendment grants the President the authority to arrest all public officials on the federal, State and local levels who support a rebellion against America or who provide aid and comfort to agents of an insurgency. This includes judges and other officials who release criminal participants in a rebellion without charges or incarceration and/or actively raise funds to pay their bail.
Also, the 14th Amendment stipulates the authority to void Congressional seats from States which support and protect social media companies allied with a rebellion by engaging in censorship and election manipulation on their platforms. It also applies to States insisting on exclusive, mandatory mail-in voting. This authority revokes the Electoral College votes from these States as well.
Furthermore, the 14th Amendment revokes all federal funding and programs to all cities and States complicit in an insurrection. It also ensures equal protections under the law to all citizens but removes such protections from elected officials and States participating in an insurrection against the United States.
Our founding fathers were brilliant men. They mandated every elected official, at every level, is required by law to swear a solemn Oath of Office to uphold and defend the Constitution. By violating their Oath, they become criminals who are denied equal protections under the law and can be arrested and removed from that office.
Thanks to the 14th Amendment and the Insurrection Act of 1807, President Trump and his administration have all the power, all the tools, all the names, all the documents and all the evidence necessary to destroy the global Marxist enemy and defeat the insurrection. When the time is right, all things hidden will be made known.
On or around November 3rd, 2020, the Democrats are going to go ballistic and unleash everything up their subversive sleeves in their attempt to steal the election and gain power. We will be forced to endure an epic meltdown of every aspect of our society. The virus and the riots have just been training exercises by the Marxists to test the responses of the passive sheep.
World War III ramped up in 2015 with the apparent ascension of Hillary Clinton to the throne of a global empire. When that failed, the anti-Americans went into full panic mode. But regardless of what the bad guys do, President Trump and the good guys will always be five steps ahead of them. Fear not. Winning will not be easy. It will not be pleasant. But it must be done and done correctly. Trust the plan. Stay strong. “Vote Dem Out”. Be prepared.
Don’t Tread on US
(c) by David Lynn
The bright yellow and black “Don’t Tread on Me” flag has a proud and noble history. Created by South Carolina politician Christopher Gadsden in 1775, it is also known as the Gadsden flag. Originally, it depicted a timber rattlesnake cut into thirteen pieces representing the thirteen colonies. It was flown by the ships in our newly established Navy and was the first flag of the U.S. Marines. It stood for unity, resolve and courage to vividly signify any enemy attack on one colony would be met with an overwhelming response from every colony. The yellow was a warning that was visible from far away on land or by sea.
This great flag, some two and a half centuries later, is as important as ever. Today, “We the People” face another enemy attack that is deeply entrenched on American soil. Along with all public and private institutions and agencies, they are hell bent on overtaking every elected position, on every level, one government office at a time.
As in the days of our founding, it is equally as imperative that every pro-American citizen rally together with the same passion to defeat this current evil onslaught. We must let it be known at the ballot box we shall not roll over or submit to Marxist anarchy. No one is going to tread upon America. The rattlesnake is ever vigilant.
We outnumber the enemy 100 to 1 unless we tremble in fear and do nothing. Every individual patriot has an essential role in winning this war. Unified and emboldened, we must demonstrate our strength with 90% landslide victories in every election across this nation. If we all participate, the enemy is vanquished, and America is protected.
Stoking the Flames
(c) by David Lynn
Analysts and pundits try to rationalize the insanity in our nation today. They put forth their expertise to explain the whys and wherefores of current events, but they always seem to fall short of comprehending and exposing the big picture. Perhaps they can’t see it. Or maybe they are not permitted to divulge the truth. What we are experiencing is a full-fledged enemy attack accelerated by a “huge” orange obstacle the globalists did not anticipate.
According to their playbook, Hillary Clinton was supposed to become President in 2016. When that didn’t happen, they went into panic mode and unleashed their violent Marxist mobs in the destruction of everything and anyone posing a threat to their takeover, namely the United States of America. With the USA no longer an obstacle, the Clintons, George Soros, Bill Gates, China, Russia, Iran, the Vatican and others could then proceed with their plans for world domination.
These overlords of evil have spent decades looking forward to the day when there is no more America; no more law, no more truth, no more good; no more hope. They care not about wealth; they will seize it all. They care not about power; they will control it all. They care not about property; they will own it all. They care not about people; they will rule above all with an iron fist.
The puppet masters orchestrating and financing the chaos across our nation don’t give a rat’s nugget about black lives, or LGBTQXYZ+, or slavery, or injustice, or the environment, or statues, or a virus, or brutality or mass genocide. These are only pawns in the leftist’s game. They are a means to an end. These antics are just pokers in the fire to stoke the flames that will ultimately burn America and everything she stands for to the ground. Without America, the entire world plunges into darkness and despair. Do you think this is no big deal? Do you think this won’t affect you and your family? Can you afford to pay the price for being dead wrong?
Some talking heads say we need a national conversation or dialogue to resolve the issues dividing us. Doesn’t that sound precious? That is like instructing a person to say, “Hi there, let’s be friends.” to stop a charging grizzly bear. It is futile to think we can reason with the unreasonable. What we need is unwavering pro-American fortitude to stand against this attack and defeat this enemy. This is war. “We the People” have a long, proud history of defending our country and saving the world from evil. Here we are again. This is not a drill.
(If you want to join the fight, but you’re not sure what you can do, go to and read my election message entitled “Shock the World”. If every pro-American would vow to participate in that one basic strategy, we would defeat the enemy and save our nation in one day. It is that simple and that powerful.)
All Eyes on Owens
(c) by David Lynn
Pro-Americans should give serious consideration to nominating Candace Owens for President in 2024. She is a dynamic proponent and defender of truth, freedom, constitutional principles and equality for all citizens regardless of background or gender. She has been, and would continue to be, the voice of reason and unity to reach the disgruntled black community that has suffered from centuries of systemic Democrat Party racism and oppression. If given the chance, she could become a modern-day Frederick Douglas and Harriet Tubman. She is young, attractive, intelligent, courageous, passionate and dynamic.
Regardless of who makes up the Democrat Party ticket, their only election playbook will be a continuous onslaught of fear, lies, racial division and chaos. Candace Owens would make mincemeat out of them on every issue, policy and record. Like Donald Trump, Candace Owens is a pro-American fireball with no tolerance for radical, deep state Marxism. She has no patience or mercy when it comes to exposing and toppling anti-American, treasonous individuals, bureaus, agencies, organizations and institutions.
Patriots should not be content with anything less than a 90% landslide victory in every election going forward. We did well to get Trump past the evil Clinton/Democrat machine. Candace Owens is our future. Our nation needs her magnificent talents and powerful personality to help slam the door on the anarchists. She will prove instrumental in repairing and reversing decades of cultural destruction. She will be essential to the task of re-establishing a refreshed understanding and appreciation for our founding documents and unifying principles. She will be a steadfast standard bearer for integrity, ethics, transparency and selfless public servitude. She is a beacon of hope and positive energy preaching the American dream.
Candace Owens and an equally powerful running mate would be a dream team. Americans love a dream team.
Wrath of Koba
(c) by David Lynn
What we are currently experiencing from savage Marxist groups like Antifa and RAM and BLM has been graphically depicted in a movie that can be shown and watched, but its title cannot be uttered.
In the movie, under the rational leadership and influence of Caesar and Maurice and others, the community was about harmony and respect and peace. When the radical anarchist Koba seized power, the community was transformed into a dangerous mob focused on destruction and hatred and revenge. No one targeted by their rage was safe, regardless of their compassion or innocence. It is worth noting this movie took place in San Francisco, a primary demonic stronghold for today’s Antifa related revolution.
Ultimately, Caesar and Koba were forced into battle for the destiny of their community and the world. Fortunately, reason prevailed over insanity.
Before some mindless fool starts screaming racism, this analogy is not about one race or community or group against another. This comparison is about good vs evil; unity vs division; love vs hate; common sense vs nonsense; leadership vs dictatorship.
For America, the real-life version of this movie is just beginning. We know the cast; we know the plot and we know the ending. It will likely be ugly and violent and deadly because, as with Koba, the Marxists cannot be reasoned with peacefully. We have seen this movie before when Hitler turned good people into brainwashed, blood-thirsty Nazis hell-bent on world domination. That evil was defeated, exposed and held accountable. Here we go again.
Hopefully, we are witnessing the dawn of the planet of the Caesars and Maurice types and the grand finale for all Koba wannabees. The agents of evil and violence must be defeated and prosecuted. Every anti-American leader and official must be voted out and replaced with true constitutional patriots.
Supreme Limits
(c) by David Lynn
There is a widespread misconception that a Supreme Court ruling becomes a law that must be obeyed. The responsibility of the Judicial branch (Supreme Court) is to maintain a choke chain around the Legislative and Executive branches. When a law is passed by Congress and signed by the President, the people have the right and the duty to challenge it when they believe it is unconstitutional. The Supreme Court is one of the citizen’s firewalls against tyranny and government overreach.
When a law or lower court decision does not pass constitutional muster, the Supreme Court has the authority to overrule it and send it back to its point of origin for a do-over. It cannot create a law. Some refer to court decisions as “case law”. This term is a deception by the legal system. Case law is not law. Laws are proposed, debated and voted upon solely by our duly elected State and Federal Legislators. Supreme Court Justices are not elected and have no lawmaking powers.
Anytime someone insists a court decision is “the law”, such as a ruling on abortion or gun control or school prayer or marriage, request details regarding when the law was signed by the President and what was the final vote in Congress. These details will be unavailable because they do not exist.
These and many other such rulings need not be regarded as enforceable laws. Americans must know their rights and understand their government’s limited powers or the entrenched anti-Americans within our systems will hijack this nation before we even realize it’s gone.
Is the Juice Worth the Squeeze?
(c) by David Lynn
Will the mindless, anti-American, leftist insanity produce its intended results? Everything our nation is forced to endure these days is part of an organized agenda. It is orchestrated and financed by global puppet masters who are hell-bent on securing their stranglehold on a supreme, totalitarian, one-world government. But are they overplaying their hand? Are they going too far, too soon? Will their ploy pay off?
Are the ridiculous Socialist Governors, Mayors and City Councils convincing most Americans that Marxism is what we want for our government? Will the rioting, the burning, the looting, the anarchy drive us all into the Democrat Party? Will the treasonous maneuvers and rhetoric from Congress and the news media destroy our patriotic enthusiasm and cause overwhelming hatred toward President Trump, derailing his bid for re-election? Will we surrender our firearms as a good faith gesture to make braindead, gun-stupid millennials feel safer? Are we going to submit to a mandatory vaccine created by the population control Nazis who insist five billion people must be exterminated to protect the environment?
These questions cannot be taken lightly. America is at war. The threat is not from a crazy foreign regime threatening some distant American ally. We are facing a formidable domestic enemy’s attack on American soil. If we snooze, we lose. If we lose, the world is lost.
We the People Reign
(c) by David Lynn
All government officials get sworn in. They take the Oath of Office. They all swear to preserve, protect and defend the Constitution. Promoting Socialism, Communism, Liberalism violates their Oath.
The Constitution is supreme law. When they violate their Oath, they are breaking the law. When they are breaking the law, they are committing a crime. People who commit crimes are criminals. Criminals belong in prison. "We the People" must reign in our criminal servants.
Rise Against the Machines
(c) by David Lynn
In the classic film “Mr. Smith Goes to Washington”, principled upstart Smith stands up against the corrupt political machine led by Mr. Taylor.
Watch this old movie to understand the evil tyranny we face on every level of our government and news media. Use it to educate and rally your family and friends for the cause.
Pro-Americans are in a war for the future of our nation. Modern day Taylors must be exposed, arrested and held accountable. Corruption and treason are evil and must be dealt with swiftly to the full extent of the law.
Vigilant Pro-Americans
(c) by David Lynn
Passionate patriotism is not a part time job. Vigilant citizenship is not a hobby.
Benjamin Franklin said “We have given you a Republic. It remains to be seen if you will be able to retain it.”
The freedom of future generations depends upon what happens on our watch.
Nonpartisan Patriotism
(c) by David Lynn
Disregard party affiliations. Now, more than ever, citizens are divided. Both political parties have pro-Americans and anti-Americans within their ranks.
Neither party is a safe haven for American principles and values. Patriots must shed their D or R affiliation and stand together for a strong, unified USA affiliation based upon truth, integrity, liberty, free market capitalism, limited government and our founding documents.
A No Brainer
(c) by David Lynn
To preserve our Republic, we must implement a zero-tolerance policy toward treason and crimes against humanity. (I.e. Clinton, Bush, Obama, Pelosi, Shiff, Fauci, Gates, Soros, etc.)
This may seem like a no brainer. But, for the last 100 years our nation has been systematically hijacked by corrupt, anti-American traitors with no accountability. "We the People" must put a stop to it, or accountability will be held against us for our disgraceful complacency.
Patriotic Protests
(c) by David Lynn
Corporations must face the social media wrath and boycott power of pro-American consumers for policies and practices that are corrupt and anti-American. (i.e. Disney, Facebook, Google, Monsanto, JP Morgan, Twitter, AARP, the MSM, etc.)
Student of the Game
(c) by David Lynn
It is essential to become a student of history to understand and counter the devastating strategies and insanity America is forced to endure and combat today.
Study the writings and teachings of monsters like Karl Marx, Cloward and Piven, Saul Alinsky, Margaret Sanger and others. These people wrote the instruction manuals that the anti-Americans have been implementing for decades.
There are many excellent books, articles and videos chronicling these evil, atrocious enemies of civilization.
In every war, the enemy’s playbook has been considered invaluable intel. This is no exception.
Equally as critical is to become a proficient authority on the foundational pro-American principles and standards for which we stand.
We must fortify and embolden ourselves. This war is on American soil and make no mistake; this enemy is entrenched deep inside our gates and they are not playing games.
Melting Pot
(c) by David Lynn
Patriotic pro-Americans are the defenders and proponents of a united melting pot. Anti-Americans are the agents behind a systematic meltdown leading to a smoldering caldron of devastation and chaos.
America Strong
(c) by David Lynn
Firm is the grip and strong is the arm that maintains its grasp on liberty and truth. Never again can America lower her guard and allow the septic sewage of liberalism to contaminate her foundations of limited government and individual sovereignty.
High Stakes
(c) by David Lynn
No longer can “We the People” abide by vague, meaningless labels such as Red vs Blue, Left vs Right or D vs R. The stakes are too high. We must spell it out in no uncertain terms. Now, more than ever before, it’s a battle of patriotic Americans vs anti-Americans.
We are at war on American soil. Which side are you on? If our enemy is victorious, patriotism will become a criminal offense. If you sit on the sidelines and do nothing, are you willing to bear the shame that there is not enough evidence to convict you?
Law and Order
(c) by David Lynn
Politicians who promote Socialism, while in office, are unlawful. Whenever they vote, or even conspire, as a Socialist, they violate their Oath of Office. Therefore, they become a criminal and a traitor and should be arrested as such.
The Constitution is the supreme law of the land and is designed to protect itself and the national order against all enemies, foreign AND DOMESTIC.
Significant Oath
(c) by David Lynn
The anti-American Marxist Democrats will persist in doing their damnedest. Nevertheless, their Oath of Office makes their Socialist, Communist, Progressive ideologies, while serving in our government, unlawful, treasonous, subversive and punishable by death.
We need steadfast, militant pro-American standards at every level of our government. If we fail to stand on the highest foundations of integrity and common sense and the Constitution, our nation will surely fall.
A Traitor’s Reward
(c) by David Lynn
Show the anti-American politicians some love when we drain the swamp. Reward them with sturdy gallows, a strong rope, a proper public hanging and a trip straight back to the deepest, darkest bowels of hell. Then memorialize them all in a Traitors Hall of Shame. Set an example for all those who might wish to follow in their treasonous footsteps.
The Power of Truth
(c) by David Lynn
Arm yourselves with the truth and apply it to your lives. Do not tolerate the status quo any further.
It is your right; it is your calling; it is your duty at such a time as this.
Bring forth a revolution against the entrenched, evil, institutional perversions in our midst.
Does our Heavenly Father, our national honor or your individual sovereignty deserve anything less?
Please share this declaration of independence with pro-Americans far and wide.
Read “Folly Monitor: Great Deceptions of the Modern Age” by David Lynn. (Available on Amazon)
Pandemic End Game
(c) by David Lynn
Everyone must understand the underlying agenda behind the current insanity in our nation. The enemy of America and all of humanity is a coordinated global consortium including Bill Gates, Dr. Anthony Fauci, George Soros, CDC, WHO, NIH, The Democrat Party and The Clinton Foundation.
The Russia hoax, the impeachment farce, the virus, the violent rioting, the censorship in social media, etc. has been a last ditch effort to eliminate Pres. Trump because he knows their strategy and is the only obstacle standing in their way to successfully implementing their plan.
Remember, Hillary was supposed to win in 2016 and facilitate the new world order of Marxist domination. When Trump won, they went into panic mode to destroy him and remove him. Everything they are doing now is designed to steer the sheep into compliance when they offer the "vaccine".
Knowledge is power. We must expose and eliminate the Democrat Party and all other agents of evil. The only thing they require to be successful is for good people to do nothing. "We the People" must be informed, passionate and active in every realm of our government, our media and our culture.
"Sheep get slaughtered when wolves rule the night and cast an evil shadow that imitates the light."